Sunday, September 2, 2012

Defensive Driving Tips

    A Green traffic light does not mean Go 

    Green means that it's legal to go; it doesn't mean that it's safe to go.

    If you're the first one stopped at at a red light, and the light turns green you better look before you go. A few years ago, a local teenager did not look, and she died a few seconds later. She was the first car stopped at a red light, and when it turned green, she legally proceeded straight ahead, and right into the path of a eighteen wheeler that was running its red light.

    A short while later, I passed by going in the other direction.  I'll never forget that beautiful April morning.  The hearse.  The sheets up over her shattered car.  She was 17 and on her way to high school.
    So, when it turns green, look before you go. Look left, then proceed into the intersection, look right, then proceed across.

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